Disadvantages of Using Old Tires in your Bike

A tyre is responsible for some essential function in the bike such as braking, fuel efficiency, comfort etc. Even after such a necessary part of the vehicle, many of the bike owners ignore their timely maintenance. Bike owners keep using the old tires until they go bald which in fact is a very harmful habit and there are many risks associated with this practice. The disadvantages of using the old tires area as follows;


Tire burst

The significant risk of riding the vehicle with old tires is that there is a high-risk of tyre burst. It is very evident that old tyre is more prone to bursting as compared to the new ones. The reason for such bursting is the decreased efficiency of old tires to hold the air inside. According to two wheeler tube manufacturers, if the vehicle is running at a fast speed with an old tire, then the chance of bursting increases significantly.



It is evident that the thickness of tread of an old tyre will get diminish over regular rolling. This damage makes the old tires will reduce tread thickness prone to piercing by nails, glass, pebbles, and other sharp objects. The chances of a tyre being puncher are more in the old tyre as compared to the new ones that are equipped with a thick layer of tread.


Low friction

Old two wheeler tyres with less than standard tread will provide less friction and resistance on the ground as compared to a new one. This shortcoming makes the vehicle lose the grip on the ground with old tire. This loss of grip leads the vehicles to skid on the road especially during the monsoon season or at slippery surfaces.


Low braking efficiency:

The tyre is responsible for bearing the weight of the vehicle as well as of the rider. The grip of the tyre known as the tread is accountable to provide appropriate friction to the vehicle in case of braking or cornering. In case of the tread not being of ideal thickness, it can result in poor performance of the braking system.